INVE Feeder

Suitable for:

  • up to 35-40 piglets
  • between 5-30 kg

Easily adjustable: a clean feeder is key to have healthy piglets and improved feed conversion

Can be placed in the middle of the pen or at the side, but it is recommended to be installed in the middle to allow more space all around it for the piglets.



Advantages of using INVE Feeder:

  • higher piglet weight (on average +1350 g) at the end of the growing period
  • more homogeneous groups

INVE Feeder is especially suitable for piglets that weigh less than 7 kg at weaning.

Water nippels are included:

  • 4 nipples
  • well-accessible, even for smaller piglets
  • adjustable in height
  • no extra drinking bowls required